






Find out about Specify latest product changes.

New parser: to-tailwind (Beta)

We’re adding more parsers compatible with the SDTF. With the to-tailwind parser you can now generate your Tokens Studio or Figma Variables as design tokens in a Tailwind theme.

👉 Check how to use it in our documentation

New parser: change-case (Beta)

This parser helps you rename your collections, groups, modes, and tokens by changing their case. For instance, you might want to generate all your CSS variables in kebab-case or your tokens in your Tailwind theme in camelCase.

👉 Learn more about how to change the case of your design tokens

New parser: filter (Beta)

With the filter parser, you can now filter collections, modes, or tokens in our Specify Design Token Format.

For example, this parser can help you select tokens:

  • by their type and/or name

  • from a collection, group, and modes

👉 Learn more about how to filter your design tokens

How to get access to the beta?

You can test Tokens Studio or Figma Variables as a Source right now by signing up for our beta!

👉 Join the beta

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