Find out about Specify latest product changes.
Oct 13, 2021
New parser: To React Native
React Native users, this parser is for you. The time of manual updates in your project is now over.
The to-react-native parser helps you synchronize your design tokens in a JavaScript theme object compatible with React Native. Huge thanks to Robrecht for creating this parser 🙏
New parser: Filter
The filter parser helps you filter out child properties of a design token.
For instance, you could use this parser to filter a color from your requested colors or a smaller decision like the alpha property inside the value of a color.
New parser: Omit
The omit parser helps you remove properties of a design token you don't want.
For instance, you could use this parser to remove the alpha property inside the value of a color.
Bug fixes & improvements
Fixed bug when a GitHub repository was added with a .specifyrc.json file already present in the GitHub repository. This context would break the sync between the Specify and GitHub repositories.
Sped up pages loading time within the app
Fixed a bug where the user couldn't request for more design tokens categories
Fixed a bug where the user couldn't add sources when he had disconnected app in his app list
Fixed a bug where the error message wasn't displayed when you connect with an incorrect email or password
Fixed a bug where the user couldn't load the onboarding page
Fixed a bug where reference to a variant (text-style) coudn't make a reference to another variant (line-height, letter-spacing etc.)
Add a filter option on pick parser