Find out about Specify latest product changes.
Jun 15, 2022
Templates with GitHub
If you haven't heard yet, we released new Configuration Templates last week to help you configure your Destinations more easily. You can learn more about it in our last article.
They are now available in the app 🎉
When you create a new GitHub Destination, you'll be able to select a default configuration file or one of our popular templates like Tailwind. It will directly be pushed in GitHub and ready to use.
👉 See all available Configuration Templates
Don’t see a template you’re looking for? Feel free to request a Configuration Template. We’re eager to have your feedback!
New CLI command: init

We all dreamt about this one. The CLI init command is here 🙌
With this simple initialization command, you’ll be able to create ready-to-use configuration files from one of our templates. Select your desired Configuration Templates, add your personalAccessToken and your Specify repository, and you’re done!
Bug fixes & Improvements
Parser to Flutter in alpha: we’ve recently been working on a first version of our to-flutter parser. We’d love your feedback on it!
Fixed some bugs in our Configuration Templates